The General Health Clinic

We cover a wide range of medical conditions and illnesses in our general health clinic. Our expert integrated approach will get to the root cause of the problem.

Conditions we work with

Interested in finding out about the foundations for wellness?

Download our guide by Libby Linford - Registered Nutritionist, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Founder of Surrey Centre for Nutrition, to optimise your wellness in simple, easy to implement steps.

Symptoms you may be experiencing

  • Gut

    Bloating, Bowel issues, Malabsorption, Leaky gut, Gas, Reflux, Heartburn, IBS, constipation, food intolorences.

  • Energy

    Brain fog, memory loss, cognitive decline, headaches, extreme mental fatigue and more.

  • Mental

    Anxiety, depression, stress, low mood, worry, overwhelm, SAD and more.

  • Physical

    Pain, stiffness, inflammation, deconditioning, muscular skeletal tension, lack of mobility

Search your symptom or
General Health Condition

At the Surrey Centre for Nutrition, we use targeted assessments, packages and testing to identify the cause of your symptoms, and use personalised nutritional plans to get you back to health.

Practitioners that work with General Health

Our prices and packages for general health conditions

With our clients there are a number of key focus areas which include;

-Diet and nutrition

-Gut health

-Toxins and detox (environmental medicine)


-Food reactivity

-Stress and lifestyle factors

At the Surrey Centre for Nutrition, we use targeted assessments, packages and testing to identify the cause of your autoimmunity, and personalised nutritional plans to get you back to health.

It is typical for clients with complex conditions to need to work together over a period of time, depending on how long you have been unwell, the complexities of medications and the complexities of triggers. At times it may be appropriate for multiple practitioners to work on getting you back to optimal health.

  • We invite you to book a FREE discovery call with us so that we can answer any questions you might have about working together.

    Our free discovery calls last roughly 15 minutes.

    During this time we will discuss your current health concerns and your goals. We will then talk you through how we work, some likely areas of investigation, and the process of working with us.


  • You may wish to book an initial health assessment, where we can assess your current state of health, past medical records and symptoms. You will leave this assessment with a clear idea of how we work together during a 6 month package and the key issues which need to be addressed in order to improve your health.

    A health assessment costs £375


  • A three or six month programme is a typical treatment journey for a client. During this time we will work together to investigate the root cause of your illness using;

    • consultations

    • review of previous medical notes, diagnoses and tests

    • comprehensive health history and functional medicine timeline analysis

    • food and lifestyle journals

    • full functional medicine case analysis

    • targeted nutritional and functional testing & analysis

    We will then apply targeted protocols to address any underlying imbalances identified through the above investigations. This will include;

    • dietary and nutritional protocols

    • lifestyle protocols

    • collaboration with your primary healthcare team where necessary

    • collaborative work with our pharmacist to evaluate and address any drug nutrient interactions and contraindications if you have a pharmaceutical medical profile

    You will be supported through the process with monthly consultations and bi-weekly check in support calls. It is really important to us that our clients can get support they need when they need it so we also offer ongoing online support via email of through our client portal messaging app.

    3 month programme - starts from £995

    6 month programme - starts from £1695

    Payments may be split into monthly instalments.


    *Prices may vary depending on practitioner

  • Obesity/Diabetes/Pre-Diabetes with Orley.

    3 Months - £995

    6 Months = £1695



  • Libby

    “Libby's knowledge and expertise in nutrition has helped me greatly improve my life. She has enabled me to better understand the connection between my body and what I fuel it with, which has led to increased vital energy levels. I highly recommend Libby to anyone seeking to improve their health and well-being.”
    -Raj, Actor

  • Orley

    “I came in having no idea where to start with building healthy eating habits. Orley was great at reframing healthy eating in the context of a lifestyle change, as opposed to some quick fix. She gave me an understanding of the science of nutrition and helped me figure out how to make the best decisions for myself without the overly restrictive or 'off-limits' approach of diet regimes (which don't work!). I finished feeling truly equipped to eat in a way that makes me feel good, but without feeling limited.”

  • Angie

    “Angie is kind, knowledgeable, friendly and very good at what she does. I tested positive for SIBO (which with her support is now resolved), Epstein Barr Virus and Lyme Disease (and a few other co-infections). She also supported me with an underactive thyroid and worked to detoxify my body.”

  • Julia

    “The nutritional advice that Julia gives is absolutely brilliant, tailored to each individual, evidence-based, and incredibly easy to follow. I am in the best shape I have been in in years and regardless of the fertility benefits, people have been commenting on my skin and hair having been improved (and this was prior to being pregnant!) A sign to me that it is totally true that what you put into your body has a major effect on how healthy you are in every way - including, but not limited to, fertility.”

  • Sam

    "I have a 'borderline' underactive thyroid and I wanted to try and avoid taking medication for as long as possible. I don't suffer with too many 'typical' underactive thyroid symptoms, however my system was very sluggish and I just felt like I needed an energy boost. Sam has been a godsend, I thought I knew a lot about the thyroid but I have learnt so much from her and she explains it all so well without blinding me with science!”

  • Orley

    “Before I started working with Orley, I was suffering from headaches, I was feeling very sluggish and extremely bloated. 5 weeks on and my headaches have been non-existent, my bloatedness is gone and I also feel much more energetic. I never saw the programme as diet, it was more of an educational process- learning about nutritional values of foods and how different foods can be contributing to how I feel. I saw it as a journey and it was a great investment into my health and physical wellbeing.”

  • Kate

    “The protocols Kate set up for me were incredibly thorough but never overwhelming. Being a detail person, I appreciated the amount of information Kate sent through so I could understand what it was we were looking to achieve as well as the how and why. The DUTCH test that Kate initiated was easy to do and hugely informative - but without Kate to explain what the results meant I would have been lost. So it really was Kate’s support and deep knowledge of nutrition and hormones that made the most difference.

    Thank you Kate for supporting me into a place of better and more balanced health.”

  • Julia

    "I can't even begin to describe how Julia has helped us. I had suffered a miscarriage, we wanted answers but had no idea where to start. I reached out to Julia on recommendation. It was the best and smartest move we made on our fertility journey. Julia not only helped us both with being in the best possible shape we could be, she helped us identify exactly what our problem was by signposting us to various healthcare professionals and by carrying out various tests. In my case this led to the discovery of an underactive thyroid which I had never even considered, as I was totally unaware of having symptoms, but Julia knew! And in the case of my husband, Julia helped us to get semen analyses which led us to discover low morphology and DNA fragmentation (terms I had never heard of prior to working with Julia!) but things we now know to be extremely important. I am now 21 weeks pregnant and we consider Julia to be the most pivotal person in making this happen (aside from the two of us of course!), without Julia, we would not be here.”

  • Libby

    “Libby has given me practical help with developing a more rounded approach to food, one that also impacts on my entire wellbeing. I have always been susceptible to emotional eating and making snap choices in times of stress. Libby has given me tips to make considered choices and has helped shift my thinking to a position of nourishment, rather than starving myself.

  • Sam

    "At the start of Sam’s programme, I was in a right mess – exhausted and permanently fatigued, experiencing rampant food intolerances, problems with memory concentration and focus, a non-functioning sleep cycle and an inability to make decisions. Now, six months later, I am starting to enjoy life again: planning to move house in the next year, able to sleep through the night sometimes and wake rested, able to eat a wider range of foods consistently without becoming ill afterwards, still weary but without the chronic exhaustion that was so debilitating.”

  • Orley

    “Working with Orley has definitely changed the way I am eating in general and I have made lifetime changes. Orley gave me excellent tips, excellent advice, and helped me to feel motivated. I feel more energised, I have lost some weight, my skin is glowing and I and feel generally healthier!”

  • Libby

    “I sought advice from Libby because of a significant weight loss following an illness, subsequent operation and prolonged stay in hospital. Prior to seeing Libby, my weight had shown no signs of recovering but, following Libby’s recommended changes to my diet, over a three month period I am now back to my pre operation weight. Additionally previous digestive symptoms have also been positively influenced, due, I am sure, to the dietary changes recommended by Libby. Friends and family all say how much better I am looking!”

    -Tom, Retired

  • Orley

    “Working with Orley has helped to shift my focus away from losing weight and onto my overall health – and this has helped me to lose weight. I really enjoyed that there was no calorie counting after being on so many restrictive diets to lose weight. I felt safe to eat as much as I needed to without worrying so much and focussing on the losing weight part – I was focussing on getting healthy and discovering what worked for me, which made the whole process actually enjoyable.”

  • Angie

    “I am extremely lucky to have found Angie Ash when I did. I have MS, have got through breast cancer, was in a toxic relationship and was at a point where divorce and my house-sale were happening... lots of stress in the mix then. PLUS I was losing weight even though I was underweight already and my gut wasn’t working properly.”

  • Julia

    “Julia is far more than a nutritional therapist. I went to her expecting to have some help with my diet and lifestyle, and what we got was infinitely more valuable. Fertility is a dark and twisted labyrinth but Julia has seen it all and knows exactly which path to take next to find your way out and get you to your ultimate goal, your baby. We are forever grateful."
    - Aleiya and Michal

  • Sam

    “Working with Sam has been life-changing for me. She is an able listener and effective at adjusting the pace of the programme to work with my super-sensitive system. Working with her feels like a partnership – her objectivity, extensive knowledge and experience allied to my willingness to do what it takes."
    - A

  • Kate

    “Kate offers a nurturing and empowering journey towards better health. She was clear and focussed about my goals and it really helped me to define these at the start of our work together. Kate is very supportive and I really appreciated the time she took to listen to what was going on for me in a caring and non-judgmental way. I found that Kate’s flexible approach to the sessions really worked in that sessions could be shorter or longer as I required, and it felt good to have several months together to see if symptoms had improved over that time period.”

  • Angie

    Angie knows her stuff, is kind, friendly and caring. My CD57 (immune Lyme marker) is now nearly in the normal range and my immune system has woken up and is now doing it’s job again. Our consultations covered all aspects of health not just the physical body but the emotional and mental wellbeing too. It all worked well for me – she opened doors to things that I just wasn't aware of. She's made a massive difference to my life, not only in terms of my physical health but also in the context of ideas on how to get through trauma. Truly amazing.
    - R.O., Ceredigion, Wales

  • Sam

    My symptoms have improved and I feel like the old me again having made a few dietary changes and starting a supplement regime that supports me at the moment. Sam answers any questions I have, however silly they might seem and always follows up with an email (which I value especially as I suffer with brain fog from time to time)."
    - Toria